Project Description

Introductory Science Workshop

Not sure what science topic to offer your Foundation/Prep/Kinder students?  Mad About Science now offers an Introductory Science Workshop just for schools!

This workshop acts as a great general introduction to the diverse areas of science. Presented in a 90-minute format or a 60-minute format, this immersive workshop is recommended as your first Mad About Science visit. It includes whole class demonstrations as well as rotations of exploration tables.

Based on a developmental approach, six workstations are set-up to engage children in a variety of open-ended science activities.

Each table is set up with a different science theme, including magnetism, electricity, chemistry, forces, light and colour, and mini beasts. Children use the materials and activities at their own pace, supported by the presenter and your staff. Teachers are encouraged to assist, ideally one adult per workstation during a session.

Lead by qualified and experienced facilitators, this science enrichment workshop is now available in Victoria, NSW, and Queensland.

  • Level: Foundation/Prep/Kinder

  • Duration: Available in a 60 or 90 minute format

  • Numbers: Each workshop can cater to a maximum of 30 children. However, smaller groups have better access to equipment and the facilitator

  • State: VIC, NSW & QLD

Learning Outcomes

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

Curriculum Links

  • People use science in their daily lives.

  • Participate in guided investigations, including making observations using the senses, to explore and answer questions.  (ACSIS025)

  • Compare observations and predictions with those of others. (ACSIS041)




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Outstanding presentation by Ken! The kids loved the activities and were highly engaged by Ken’s presentation! The resources were fantastic too! Received so much feedback from the kids about how much they loved it!

Lachlan | Mooroolbark East Primary School Living Things workshops September 6, 2024

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Knox Park Primary School’s recent Mad About Science incursion was an absolute hit! The presenter was not only highly knowledgeable but also incredibly engaging, making the complex world of science both accessible and exciting for the students. From the moment the session began, the presenter captured the students’ attention with a lively and interactive approach, encouraging them to ask questions and participate in the experiments.

Faith | Knox Park Primary School Mad Science Show August 22, 2024

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Workshop was amazing. Students were fully engaged the whole time (maybe too engaged haha). Was helpful for myself as a teacher also. Thank you so much for the engaging and professional workshop!

Michelle | Cambridge Park Public School Matter of Matter workshops August 19, 2024