School Feedback

Here is what our customers are saying about their Mad About Science incursions.

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I thought the incursion was fabulous

I thought the incursion was fabulous. I loved it just as much as the kids and Gemma was great! I would highly recommend it to others.

June 10, 2015

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It was a fun day for all

It was a fun day for all. Children loved all the hands on discoveries and I took pleasure in seeing their faces light up. I loved the work presented!… Gee, makes me want to join the Mad About Science troop.

June 10, 2015

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Hands On

Great hands on experience. Students were engaged for the entire time. Well explained by presenter. Excellent questioning skills.

December 10, 2014

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Mad About Science Electricity session was amazing… I learnt plenty myself!

December 10, 2014

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The Children Were Engaged

All children were engaged, and the activities were very interactive. The prep children LOVED the hands-on activities and allowed them to stay focussed. Excellent management of children and great questioning! Thank you!

December 10, 2014

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Great Experiments In The Classroom

Great experiments that we could do again in the classroom. Students were very excited and engaged throughout the whole session. Suitable experiments for Prep aged children… Great price, and great that all resources were provided!

December 10, 2014

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