School Feedback

Here is what our customers are saying about their Mad About Science incursions.

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The children really enjoyed the session. The activities were fun and the children took a lot out of the workshop. Thanks for coming!

August 26, 2015

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Action Packed

Very engaging activities and the entire session was full of action!

August 26, 2015

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The 90 minute Matter Workshop was FABULOUS!! The children loved the hands on experiments and the dry ice was a big hit! Thanks!

August 26, 2015

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Thank You!

Thank you Naomi, our kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves and have produced excellent results in follow up activities. We were really impressed with the session… Thanks!

August 26, 2015

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We found the presentation fantastic. Very engaging and value for money. Sophie was awesome with the girls – very enthusiastic and Fun!

June 16, 2015

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Awesome with a challenging group

Please pass on a huge thanks to Sophie for another awesome presentation last week. The group was quite challenging and Sophie handled the session very well, answering all of the girls questions and interacting with them in such an engaging and caring manner. The girls all had a great time.

June 16, 2015

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Children thoroughly enjoyed the day

Children thoroughly enjoyed the day. Age and topic appropriate. Children were thoroughly engaged. Great session!

June 10, 2015

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Great Session!

Great session! Very engaging, and you were very knowledgeable about the topics. You were also well prepared, and had great materials. Great they had something to take home with them. Thank you very much!

June 10, 2015

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Pop went the bubble out of the test tube!

Mad About Science – Pop went the bubble out of the test tube! How we had to make it, we put some dry ice in it then we put hot water. It was cool Miss Neville I could do it again, but I don’t know if they are coming back next year. I did not want to go cause it was fun here. I thought the lady Naomi was fun. I loved the dry ice experiment.

June 10, 2015

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I thought the incursion was fabulous

I thought the incursion was fabulous. I loved it just as much as the kids and Gemma was great! I would highly recommend it to others.

June 10, 2015